Raadsconclusies over de situatie in Democratische Republiek Congo (en)
Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 25 juni 2012.
Council conclusions on the situation in Eastern DRC
3179th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Luxembourg, 25 June 2012
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
" 1. The European Union (EU) is following with concern the worsening security and humanitarian situation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The EU condemns the mutiny and the renewed fighting in the province of North Kivu. It calls on all countries in the region to cooperate actively with the Congolese authorities to demobilise the M23 group and all the other armed groups. The EU is concerned at the recent reports of outside support for the mutineers in contravention of the UN Security Council's sanctions regime. It requests that the credible reports should be the subject of a detailed investigation
2.The EU urges the partners in the region, in particular the DRC and Rwanda, to continue talking so that the violence can be ended as soon as possible and a lasting political solution put in place
3.The EU urges all players involved, including the armed groups, to make every effort to protect the population and allow access for humanitarian assistance
4.The EU also reiterates its call for all those responsible for serious violations to be brought to justice
5.The EU encourages MONUSCO to continue the efforts at stabilisation that fall within its mandate, and in particular as regards the protection of the civilian population. It reiterates its commitment to promoting stability, security and development in region, including through the work done inter alia by European instruments in the key area of security sector reform."