Eurocommissaris Füle wenst unificatie Cyprus (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Uitbreiding (ELARG) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 juni 2012.

Commissioner Štefan Füle paid a two days visit to Cyprus on 19 and 20 June. Apart from discussing issues related to the upcoming Cypriot Council Presidency, he reiterated to both communities and political leaders that there is no alternative to a comprehensive settlement and the reunification of Cyprus. All of Cyprus is European Union territory and the EU remains engaged to support any constructive effort to overcome the divide. There is no room for any Plan "B" and the Union is fully behind the UN facilitated talks. He stressed that it is time for the Turkish Cypriots to enjoy the benefits of Cyprus' EU accession in 2004. Commissioner Füle stated at the opening of Bandabuliya (Old Market - see picture), which is one of the several urban upgrading projects funded by the European Union: "the more time goes by without a settlement, however, the more cemented the division becomes. This is not good for Cyprus and neither for the European Union. That is why I reiterate my call to the two leaders to muster the political will and determination that are needed to come to a comprehensive settlement and the reunification of the island. The upcoming Council Presidency should be followed quickly by a Cyprus settlement!"