Eurojust presenteert 21 juni jaarlijks rapport over 2011 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees orgaan voor de justitiële samenwerking (Eurojust) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 18 juni 2012.

​The Hague, 18 June 2012

On Thursday 21 June, the President of Eurojust, Ms Michèle Coninsx, will present the Annual Report 2011 to the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament.

The Eurojust Annual Report 2011 highlights the work undertaken by Eurojust in its mission to help fight serious crime affecting the Member States.

Statistical data on the operational work of Eurojust in 2011 in light of the EU’s priorities, such as the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, fraud, corruption, cybercrime, money laundering, and other activities related to the presence of organised crime groups in the economy, are available.

The Annual Report also provides information on casework and obstacles to judicial cooperation, the use of Eurojust’s judicial cooperation tools and the evaluation of judicial instruments such as the 2000 Mutual Legal Assistance Convention and the European Arrest Warrant.

In 2011, Eurojust once again was able to increase its casework involvement. The number of new Joint Investigation Teams (JITs) in which Eurojust was a participant in 2011 showed steady but continuous growth, a clear demonstration of the added value Eurojust provides in judicial cooperation.

While coordination meetings continue to be an outstanding tool for Member States’ investigative and prosecutorial authorities in cross-border cases, 2011 saw the introduction of the coordination centre. When operational activity has been decided upon at a coordination meeting, a secure coordination centre is set up on the day of action. As the day unfolds, experts provide real-time assistance to their counterparts in the Member States with issues such as admissibility of evidence in different jurisdictions, the drafting of European Arrest Warrants and other judicial requests. Eurojust’s coordination centres in 2011 dealt with crimes such as trafficking in human beings, trafficking in drugs and major fraud.

In 2011, On-Call Coordination, allowing Member States’ judicial authorities and law enforcement officials to reach Eurojust on a 24 hour/7 day basis via a free international telephone number, was implemented, assisting the national authorities of the Member States in their fight against all forms of serious organised cross-border crime.

By the end of 2011, Eurojust had become home to three Network secretariats, which serve criminal justice practitioners in the European Union. These are the European Judicial Network (EJN), the Network of National Experts on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs Network) and the European Network of contact points in respect of persons responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (Genocide Network). Eurojust has also provided assistance to the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), and to an informal network, namely the Consultative Forum of Prosecutors General and Directors of Public Prosecutions of the EU Member States.

The presentation of the Eurojust Annual Report will take place on Thursday 21 June at 11:40 in the European Parliament, Brussels, room JAN-6Q2.

For more information:

Mr Joannes THUY, Spokesperson - Head of Press & PR Service


Maanweg 174, 2516 AB, The Hague, the Netherlands

Tel: +31 70 412 5508
