Voorzitters Herman van Rompuy en José Manuel Barroso over de Griekse verkiezingsuitslag (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 17 juni 2012.

The Greek people have spoken. We fully respect its democratic choice. We are hopeful that the election results will allow a government to be formed quickly

Today, we salute the courage and resilience of the Greek citizens, fully aware of the sacrifices which are demanded from them to redress the Greek economy and build new, sustainable growth for the country

We will continue to stand by Greece as a member of the EU family and of the Euro area

We look forward to work with the new government and to support the continued efforts of Greece to put its economy on a sustainable path

The second economic adjustment programme agreed between Greece and the Eurogroup is the basis upon which to build to foster growth, prosperity and jobs for the Greek people. We stand ready to continue assisting Greece in achieving these goals