Toespraak eurocommissaris Kroes over de digitale overheid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 15 juni 2012.

16 June - 14 July 2012

Background notes from the Spokesperson’s service for journalists

The European Commission reserves the right to make changes

Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 June: The EU at the G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico - Rebalancing global growth together 2

Monday 18 June to Friday 22 June: EU Sustainable Energy Week 4

Tuesday 19 June: A European Strategy to work towards the eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 5

Thursday 21 June: The Commission adopts its monthly infringements package 6

Thursday 21 June: The Commission presents Eurobarometer on languages and survey on foreign language skills among teenagers 7

Tuesday 26 June: Strategy for better use of Key Enabling Technologies by EU industry 9

Tuesday 3 July (to be confirmed): European Commission to propose changes to criminal law to improve protection of EU financial interests 10

Monday 9 July: Investing in growth: €8 billion call for research and innovation projects 11

Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 June: The EU at the G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico - Rebalancing global growth together

The news:

The 2012 G20 Summit will take place in Los Cabos, Mexico, from 18 to 20 June. The European Union will be represented by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy.

Ahead of the Summit, President Barroso and President Van Rompuy sent a joint letter to EU heads of State and Government to inform them about the key issues coming up for discussion at the G20 Summit. They stated that the EU should aim for results in four priority areas, as set out in the Spring European Council Conclusions:

  • 1. 
    Keeping growth and employment at the top of the G20 agenda;
  • 2. 
    Continuing to strengthen the International Financial Architecture;
  • 3. 
    Making substantial further progress on financial market reform;
  • 4. 
    Tackling food security and promoting development.

For a full version of the joint letter, see below under "The sources".

The background:

This 7th edition of the Group of 20 (G20) Summit of the world’s twenty major economies will be held for the first time in Latin America. Last year's G20 Summit took place in Cannes (France); the 2013 edition will be chaired by Russia.

The G20 brings together the world’s major advanced and emerging economies. Its members are 19 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States) and the European Union. Together, they represent around 90% of global GDP, 80% of global trade and two-thirds of the world’s population.

The event:

18 to 19 June: Participation of the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, in the G20 summit in Los Cabos (Mexico).

Press events on the G20 summit to be confirmed.

Press material about the EU at the G20 will be made available in the week before and during the Summit.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

Joint letter of Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy to the EU Member States:

G20 section on President Barroso's website:


Official G20 website:

G20 section on President Van Rompuy's website:

The contacts:

Pia Ahrenkilde-Hansen +32 2 295 3070 +32 498 953 070 Twitter: ECspokesPia

Jens Mester +32 2 296 3973 +32 498 963973 Twitter: ECspokesJens

Monday 18 June to Friday 22 June: EU Sustainable Energy Week

The news:

Sustainable energy is at the heart of the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. To underline the importance of moving towards more energy efficiency and renewables, the European Commission - DG Energy with the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) - will organise the seventh edition of the EU Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels from 18 to 22 June 2012.

The background:

This year's main theme is the recently adopted Communication on the Renewable Energy Strategy which explores the policy options for the integration of renewables into the European system post 2020. In addition, the European Commission will present practical examples of available financing opportunities.

The event:

On 19 June, EU Commissioner for Energy Günther Oettinger will open the three-day conference taking place in the Charlemagne, the Committee of the Regions, and the Borschette Conference Centre (Brussels). In the evening of the same day at the Théatre du Vaudeville, the Commissioner and MEP Sartori will award two prizes: one to the winner of the ManagEnergy Award, recognising the best practice in local and regional energy action, and one to the winners of the Sustainable Energy Europe Awards (categories: Communicating, Consuming, Learning, Living and Travelling).

In parallel, during the whole week, hundreds of sustainable energy-themed events and activities will take place in over forty countries in Europe and beyond, not only in capitals but also in smaller cities and villages. These will include interesting exhibitions and workshops and will show how small businesses and households can contribute to the collective energy efficiency effort.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

For more details on Energy Days, the Conference programme and registration, please refer to the EUSEW website:

The contacts:

Marlene Holzner +32 2 296 01 96

Nicole Bockstaller +32 2 295 25 89

Tuesday 19 June: A European Strategy to work towards the eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings

The news:

The European Commission presents an EU strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in Human Beings for 2012-2016.

The background:

Trafficking in human beings is the slavery of our times and takes many forms, evolving with changing socio-economic circumstances. The European Commission is therefore launching an EU strategy towards the eradication of trafficking in human beings for the period 2012-2016 based on five key priorities, including better identifying and protecting the victims and increasing prosecution of traffickers. Between the many measures and initiatives identified by the strategy, there is the development of child protection systems, the setting up of national law-enforcement units on human trafficking and the creation of Joint investigation teams including national authorities and EU agencies.

The event:

IP and MEMO will be available on the day.

A nine minutes video including interviews to four victims of trafficking will be shown in the press room ahead of the press conference; the interviews will be available to audio-visual and written media in downloadable version.

Experts and representatives of NGOs working with victims of trafficking will also be present in the press room and they will be available for contacts with the journalists at the end of the Commissioner's press conference.

Statement by Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs, at the midday briefing in the Commission's press room.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

Homepage of Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs:

Homepage DG Home Affairs:

European Commission anti-trafficking website:

The contacts:

Michele Cercone: +32 229-80963

Tove Ernst: +32 229-86764

Thursday 21 June: The Commission adopts its monthly infringements package

The news:

On Thursday 21 June 2012, the European Commission will adopt its monthly infringements package. These decisions cover all Member States and most of EU policies and seek to enforce EU law across Europe in the interest of both citizens and businesses.

The background:

Article 258 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) gives the Commission the power to take legal action against a Member State that is not respecting its obligations under EU law.

There are three successive stages: Letter of formal notice, reasoned opinion and referral to the Court of Justice.

If, despite the ruling, a Member State still fails to act, the Commission may open a further infringement case under Article 260 of the TFEU. After only one written warning, Commission may refer a Member State back to the Court and it can propose that the Court imposes financial penalties based on the duration and severity on the infringement and the size of the Member State.

The event:

Several IPs and MEMOs will be available on the day.

The sources:

The IP and MEMO will be made available on the day on Rapid:

The contacts:

Overall coordination:

Olivier Bailly +32 2 296 87 17

Jonathan Todd +32 2 299 41 07

On specific infringements, please contact the spokesperson in charge.

Thursday 21 June: The Commission presents Eurobarometer on languages and survey on foreign language skills among teenagers

The news:

On 21 June, the European Commission will publish two reports focused on multilingualism and language learning.

A Eurobarometer survey on "Europeans and their Languages" - the first since 2005 on this topic - provides an insight into people's attitudes about multilingualism, foreign language learning and translation.

It will be published in tandem with the results of the European Survey on Language Competences, a study assessing the language skills of 14-15 year olds in 14 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, England, Estonia, France, Greece, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden).

The background:

Nearly 27 000 people across the 27 Member States were interviewed this Spring for the Eurobarometer on Europeans and their Languages. Among other things, the survey shows to what extent citizens believe it is important to master foreign languages.

The European Survey on Language Competences is based on tests which measured the reading, listening and writing abilities of 14-15 year olds in two of the most widely taught foreign languages in the EU: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

The 2002 European Council in Barcelona called for action to improve the mastery of basic skills, in particular by teaching at least two foreign languages from a very early age and for the creation of a linguistic competence indicator.

The event:

Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will present the main findings of the Eurobarometer and European Survey on Language Competences at the midday briefing in the Commission's press room. A press release, reports and executive summaries will be available on the day.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

Information on multilingualism:

Information on Eurobarometer:

Information on Commissioner Vassiliou:

  • 72613 European Day of Languages 2010

The contacts:

Dennis Abbott +32 2 295 92 58

Dina Avraam +32 2 295 96 67

Tuesday 26 June: Strategy for better use of Key Enabling Technologies by EU industry

The news:

The European Commission will present a Communication on "A European Strategy for Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) - A bridge to growth and jobs". It will lay down how the KETS, notably micro- and nanoelectronics, advanced materials, industrial biotechnology, photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing systems, can be better used to give European industry the necessary boost to keep its technological leadership and to regain competitiveness.

KETs are the indispensable "technology bricks" to build a wide range of product applications to lead the technological leap forward for competitive advanced industrial production: whether it is the electric car, satellites, medical devices or advanced consumer goods, such as smartphones.

The background:

KETs economic impact is considerable. Even more considerable are the applications of KETs that directly and indirectly boost competitiveness and generate jobs, growth and wealth in the economy. The Commission’s European Competitiveness Report 2010 indicated a global current market volume of EUR 646 billion (around 2006/2008), which is projected to grow to over EUR 1 trillion by 2015.

The direct return on public investments from KETs is substantial as case studies show that it can quadruplicate the initial investment.

The event:

Press conference: Presentation of the European Commission Communication on "A European Strategy for Key Enabling Technologies - A bridge to growth and jobs", preceded by a technical briefing off the record.

IP and MEMO will be available on the day.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

The contacts:

Carlo Corazza: +32 (0)2 29 51 752

Sara Tironi: +32 (0)2 29 90 403

Tuesday 3 July (to be confirmed): European Commission to propose changes to criminal law to improve protection of EU financial interests

The news:

The European Commission is due to adopt a proposal for a Directive to strengthen Member States' criminal law for crimes concerning money from the EU budget. The aim is to increase the protection of EU taxpayers’ money, deter fraudsters, improve the prosecution and sanctioning of crimes against the EU budget, and facilitate the recovery of misused EU funds.

The background:

The Lisbon Treaty gave the EU the mandate to strengthen its fight against fraud by legislating in the area of criminal law. In May 2011, the Commission adopted a Communication on the protection of the financial interests of the EU by criminal law and administrative investigations (IP/11/644). The policy paper underlined the importance of strengthening criminal law and improving criminal and administrative procedures. The changes to Member States’ criminal law in the proposed Directive would complement a proposal planned for next year on the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor's Office to bring to justice perpetrators of crimes against the EU budget.

The event:

Press conference with Vice-President Viviane Reding and Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta in the Berlaymont press room (to be confirmed)

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

IP/11/644 European Commission seeks tougher rules to protect taxpayers' money from fraud

The contacts:

Mina Andreeva +32 (0)2 299 13 82

Emer Traynor +32 (0)2 292 15 48

Monday 9 July: Investing in growth: €8 billion call for research and innovation projects

The news:

On 9 July, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, will announce the final and biggest work programme of the Seventh Framework Programme for research and development (FP7). The work programme will inject some €8 billion into Europe's research and innovation system, as an investment in competitiveness and Europe's prospects for growth and jobs. The call for projects will give details of the main fields of research and innovation to be covered and where action at EU level is essential to address common challenges such as secure and clean energy, anti-microbial resistance and sustainable water use.

The background:

Member States have put investment in research and innovation at the top of the European political agenda by adopting the Europe 2020 strategy and endorsing the Innovation Union in February last year. When it was launched, FP7 was the largest research funding programme in the world with a budget of €55 billion for 2007-2013. The last call for projects will build a bridge to the future by linking its strategic priorities to the societal challenges identified for Horizon 2020, the next funding programme for EU research from 2014-2020. This challenge-based approach will bring together resources and knowledge across different fields, technologies and disciplines, including social sciences and the humanities. There will be a reinforced focus on innovation-related activities, such as piloting, demonstration, test-beds, and support for public procurement and closer to the market activities. Particular emphasis is also given to the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises in projects.

The event:

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, the European Commissioner for Research Innovation and Science will present the strategic priorities of the calls at the midday briefing in the Commission's press room. A press release, memo and technical briefing will be available on the day.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

Thematic orientation papers for 2013 call:

Innovation Union:

Europe 2020:

Horizon 2020:

Information on Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn:

  • I-071701 Research Infrastructures and the Europe 2020 Strategy

The contacts:

Michael Jennings +32 2 296 33 88

Monika Wcislo +32 2 295 56 04