Digital Agenda Assembly over twee weken van start (en)
Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, Inhoud en Technologie (CNECT) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 8 juni 2012.
Less than two weeks to the Digital Agenda Assembly, and the debate is increasing in both quantity and quality. Last week, the 40 people voted by participants as most "interesting" have been invited to the Assembly. The group on Converged media platform is discussing among other issues about the future of connected TV, analysing the opportunities on both the demand and the supply side. It also discusses how content can be financed as well as the necessary integration with social media. The group on Cloud is discussing the implications of the "industrialization of IT" both in terms of opportunities and risks. If you are interested in these or other issues discussed in the platform, join and contribute to the debate.