Conferentie EU- Brazilië over creatieve economie tijdens Rio+20 (en)
Registrations are now open! This conference is organized in the framework of the EU-Brazil policy dialogue in the field of culture.
Acknowledging the strategic importance of the cultural and creative sectors for social and economic development, this event aims at stimulating a debate on the opportunities and challenges for the development of the creative sectors in the EU and in Brazil, as well as at identifying possibilities for cooperation in this field. The debates will focus on the following areas: creative territories/clusters, education and training for creative skills, technologies and new models of business, research and mapping.
The conference targets public and private managers of culture, researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs of the creative sectors.
Registrations are now open on the following website: within the limits of available places.
This conference is part of a series of events on culture and sustainability, which will be organized in the margins of the Rio+20 Conference.
More information (in Portuguese) is available at: