Generations@School project groot succes in Slowakije (en)
The Generations@School scheduled events are currently taking place in nearly 50 Slovak Schools.
During the week of April 29, the European Day of Solidarity between Generations, schools opened the doors of their classrooms to older people in order to engage in a dialogue that aims at a better understanding between generations. Five special events were supported by the presence of the ambassadors of the EY2012 year and further events are still to take place within the next days.
On April 26, the Generations@School project was launched at a high school in Spisska Nova Ves by Slovak national coordinator Lubica Zajacova and EY2012 Ambassador Kveta Skvarkova. The ambassador told students about her journalistic career and they talked about the differences between young and older people, and how both generations can help each other.
It was EY2012 Ambassador Evira Chadimova's turn to participate in the generations@School event on April 27, which took place in a very special centre: the Private Slavic High School, which she herself established. She spoke with students about the importance of personal contact, living with older people and active ageing.
Three special events took place on the 30th of April: the Head of the EC representation in Slovakia, Dusan Chrenek enjoyed some craft work with students and older people from Dolny Kubin. In the elementary school, an interesting conversation took place about childhood, school times and old traditions. TV sport journalist Dusan Gabani met 30 students at the Bratislava Sports High School and together tried to find an answer to questions such as how important is solidarity between generations in the sports industry and in the workplace. Finally, EY2012 Ambassador and member of Slovak Parliament Jozef Miklosko debated with the students about what was childhood like in the time of communism compared to nowadays.
On May 10th, the EY2012 Ambassador and Slovak actress Zita Furkova held a debate with high school students in Bratislava. On June 4th it was the turn of the Member of the European Parliament Eduard Kukan to participate in a fruitful intergenerational dialogue at a school of the capital.
The Generations@School rounds of events and debates are truly energizing the dialogue between generations and helping change the social image of the elderly and their relationships with younger generations. More information available here.