Sociale innovatie voor actieve inclusie centraal tijdens jaarlijkse conferentie Leven Lang Leren (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 4 juni 2012.

The University of Leuven (Belgium) hosted last 14th of May The European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning (EUCIS-LLL) Annual Conference 2012 on "Social Innovation for Active Inclusion: Lifelong Learning Contribution for a Better Tomorrow" that gathered around 100 participants and experts coming from the various sectors and levels of education and training from all over Europe.

Following introductory speeches from EUCIS-LLL President Gina Ebner and Director Pierre Mairesse (DG i EAC i), who ensured that inclusive growth was a European high priority, academics Ides Nicaise (KU Leuven University) and Ramon Flecha (UB Barcelona University) provided highlights on innovative practices on social inclusion in our education and training systems at EU and national levels.

In the context of the European Year for Active Ageing, the four workshops that took place during the conference on access to education & training, migrant learners, intergenerational learning and youth employment proved to be very interactive and efficient with highly motivated participants. Good practices from EUCISLLL networks were presented and a reflection was initiated on what lifelong learning can and cannot do to contribute to a better tomorrow, as well as what impact lifelong learning can have at different levels - individual, social and institutional.

The EUCIS-LLL General Assembly on May 15th was the occasion to acknowledge the great progress that the Platform has made during the past year. Many activities have been led in 2011 with successful events such as the Lifelong Learning Week at the European Parliament in March and the Stakeholders Forum on EU cooperation in education & training in September, highquality research and publications like the feasibility study on a European Institute for Lifelong Learning (now "LLL Hub") and an intense policy-monitoring (working groups, position papers, campaigns...). Members’ representatives also discussed and approved an ambitious working plan for the platform to be implemented during 2012-2013.

Further information about the conference is available on the EUCIS-LLL website.