Verdrag deelname Albanië-EU over aanpak schuldencrisis 5 juni getekend (en)
Council of the European Union - Press Office -
Brussels, 4 June 2012
Signing ceremony EU - Albania Framework Participation Agreement for crisis management operations
Tuesday 5 June 2012,12.00
Justus Lipsius building - Brussels
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Albania establishing a framework for the participation of the Republic of Albania in EU crisis management operations
Albania: Edmond HAXHINASTO, Minister of Foreign Affairs
EU: Pierre VIMONT, Executive Secretary General, European External Action Service
Photo/TV opportunity :
Meeting point: press centre info point at 11.45.
Access to the press centre will be subject to the usual conditions (presentation of your EU inter-institutional press card or national press card and ID)
Video coverage will be provided by the Council. Footage will be available for download (MPEG4) from
A selection of photos taken by the Council's photographers will be available on http://www. consilium, europa, eu/photo
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