Conclusies over Europees innovatiepartnerschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 31 mei 2012.


Conclusions on European Innovation Partnerships

3169 COMPETITIVESS (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space)

Council meeting Brussels, 30 and 31 May 2012

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

"The Council of the European Union RECALLING

Council Conclusions of 26 November 2010 on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative "Innovation Union", stating that the Council will take the necessary political decisions on the European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) before they are launched;

European Council Conclusions of 4 February 2011 calling for synergies between the EU and Member States to ensure that innovations with a societal benefit get to the market more quickly and recognising the role of joint programming, as well as reaffirming that the Council will take the necessary political decisions on future Innovation Partnerships before they are launched;

Council Conclusions of 9 March 2011, reiterating the Council's support for the pilot EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) and the setting up of its Steering Group with a broad and balanced membership including relevant stakeholders across the sectors concerned, notably with a view to drawing up recommendations for a Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP);

Council Conclusions of 10 March 2011, inviting the Commission to further promote innovation and research and development efforts in the raw materials value chain, to assess the case for launching an EIP on raw materials and to come forward with proposals for this as appropriate, whilst fully respecting the principle of subsidiarity;

Council Conclusions of 6 December 2011, noting the evaluated first experiences in terms of governance and processes of the pilot underlining that implementation of EIPs must be addressed through the proper political and administrative channels including the Programme Committees and recalling the need to cover the whole R&I cycle by bringing together the supply and demand side of R&I policy actions; and asking the Commission to ensure that EIPs contribute to streamlining, simplifying and better coordinating existing instruments and initiatives and recommending:

  • a) 
    to further evaluate the overall performance of the pilot AHA in order to clarify and develop practical implementation of the EIP concept with particular attention to the governance issues, SIP and implementation measures, i.e. practical implementation of actions described in the SIPs, while noting that AHA does not set any precedent;
  • b) 
    to work towards ensuring a strong and high level of commitment from all key stakeholders including all types of innovation actors, in particular SMEs, on a long-term basis

(1) NOTES the Commission's communication on the 'EIP Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' proposing a new European innovation partnership on agricultural productivity and sustainability

(2) NOTES the Commission's communication 'Making raw materials available for Europe's future wellbeing and proposal for a EIP on Raw Materials' proposing a new EIP on raw materials

(3) NOTES the Commission's communication 'Taking forward the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing' presenting the Commission's response to the Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) proposed by the steering group of the AHA pilot

(4) TAKES NOTE of the SIP developed by the AHA pilot as the first deliverable of this partnership; and RECOGNISES that the AHA pilot holds the potential to accelerate innovation and exploit synergies within and across the different priorities and policies at EU, national and regional level

(5) NOTES the Commission's intention to consider the SIP of the EIPs as one of the external advice documents to be considered in the decision making processes under the relevant EU initiatives; REITERATES that the implementation of EIPs must be addressed through the proper political and administrative channels including the Programme Committees; and ACKNOWLEDGES that the success of the Partnership will depend on actions taken at national, regional and local level, including both demand and supply side measures

(6) ACKNOWLEDGES the importance of involving Member States by communicating new EIPs and SIPs to the Competitiveness Council and other relevant Council formations at an early stage; UNDERLINES that the current and future Commission proposals for new EIPs must be endorsed in the relevant sectoral Council formations before they are being launched

(7) REITERATES that the EIPs must build on certain common principles, including covering the whole R&I cycle by bringing together the supply and demand side of R&I policy actions, simplifying, streamlining and adding value to the current situation by filling gaps, improving coordination on the basis of initial mapping of all existing initiatives relevant for the EIP and accelerating innovation

(8) UNDERLINES that EIPs should respect common principles regarding governance including the need to

ensure that membership of the Steering Groups of EIPs balances size with the need to ensure that a wide range of stakeholders are represented; ensure a transparent process for appointing members of the Steering Group; allow all Member States' involvement and to recognize their specific role

(9) NOTES the intention of the Commission to regularly report on progress achieved with the EIPs. WELCOMES the Commission's intention to organise an evaluation of the overall performance of the pilot EIP as well as the EIPs launched in 2012, in 2013

(10) UNDERLINES the coordinating role of the Competitiveness Council in ensuring the success of EIPs, notably by monitoring the progress of the EIPs."