EU-Moldavië: hechtere samenwerking op het gebied van civiele bescherming (en)
30/05/2012 - An administrative arrangement in the field of civil protection has been signed today between the European Commission and the Emergency Situations Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova. With it, the two partners commit to strengthening their cooperation in disaster prevention, preparedness and response.
The arrangement, among other things, aims to boost the sharing of knowledge and exchange of best practices between the EU and the Republic of Moldova, preparing the grounds for smoother cooperation during emergencies and for more commitment towards disaster prevention. The administrative arrangement will reinforce the already existing Moldova's participation in the EU's PPRD East Programme (Prevention Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-Made Disasters).
So far the Republic of Moldova has asked for assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism on three occasions: during the floods in 2008 and 2010, and during the gas shortage in 2009.
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