Luxemburger Zeyen als vice-voorzitter Eurojust gekozen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees orgaan voor de justitiële samenwerking (Eurojust) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 29 mei 2012.

The Hague, 29 May 2012

Mr Carlos Zeyen, National Member for Luxembourg, was elected today as Vice-President of Eurojust i for a 3-year term.

Today, during a special plenary meeting, the College of Eurojust elected Carlos Zeyen, National Member for Luxembourg, as their Vice-President. This election must be approved by the Council of the European Union by qualified majority.

Together with Mr Raivo Sepp, Vice-President (National Member for Estonia), Mr Zeyen will substitute for the President, Michèle Coninsx (National Member for Belgium), in her absence, and assist her in the exercise of her functions.

Carlos Zeyen has more than 20 years’ experience in private practice. Concurrent with his practice duties, he also lectured for 10 years on Comparative Constitutional Law at the Luxembourg Administrative Institute and is the author of several legal publications. In 1998, Mr Zeyen joined the Luxembourg District Prosecution Office, where he specialised in prosecuting the crimes of money laundering (in several high-profile multinational cases) and terrorism financing, with the specific task of setting up the Luxembourg Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-LUX), which he headed from 2001 to 2006 until joining Eurojust in 2006.

Mr Zeyen was one of Luxembourg’s representatives to FATF for 8 years and, immediately after 9/11, became a member of FATF’s Working Group on Terrorism Financing.

After the election, Eurojust President Michèle Coninsx commented: “I am very pleased with the election of Carlos Zeyen. Working with him in the Counter-Terrorism Team, I have experienced him as a hard-working, active and devoted colleague. His expertise in terrorism financing has been very valuable to the team. I am now looking forward to working with him in his new role within the Presidency Team.”

Mr Sepp, Vice-President of Eurojust, commented: “I have been working with Carlos Zeyen since 2006. We have cooperated on casework and in working groups. I have always found him a very precise and valued member of the team and look forward to our work together in the Presidency Team.”

Commenting on his election, Mr Zeyen said: “Naturally it is an honour to be elected as Vice-President of Eurojust and I appreciate the vote of confidence from my fellow College members. As a firm believer in operational issues, I will certainly do my best to increase operational activities and support at Eurojust during my term of office.”

Mr Zeyen’s photo in high resolution is available from Eurojust.

For more information, please contact:

Mr Joannes THUY, Spokesperson - Head of Press & PR Service

EUROJUST, Maanweg 174, 2516 AB, The Hague, the Netherlands

Tel: +31 70 412 5508
