Eurocommissaris Antonia Tajani bezoekt de VS, Mexico en Colombia voor het MKB (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Ondernemingen en industrie (ENTR) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 28 mei 2012.

The objective of the visit is to strengthen bilateral relations between the EU and these three Countries, as part of the strategy to boost economic growth and competitiveness through greater internationalisation of European industries.

The strategic sectors are: greater integration of markets and standards, industrial innovation, SMEs, raw materials and space tourism. Antonio Tajani will sign several agreements and he will meet the representatives of institutions and economic stakeholders.

Fostering industrial co-operation with the United States

Fostering economic ties with Mexico

Enhancing business cooperation between SMEs in Colombia and the EU

The visit to the United States, Mexico and Colombia belongs to a series labeled "missions for Growth", which started in December 2011 with a trip to Brazil, together with a delegation of representatives of European entrepreneurs and SMEs. Other missions are planned in some countries in Asia and North Africa between the second half of 2012 and early 2013.

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