Verklaring Catherine Ashton over Syrië (en)
Statement by the EU i High Representative Catherine Ashton i on Syria
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, issued the following statement today:
"I am appalled by the reports of the brutal massacre by the Syrian armed forces in the town of Houla, Syria, today, claiming the lives of over 90 people of whom many are children. I condemn in the strongest terms this heinous act perpetrated by the Syrian regime against its own civilian population, despite the agreed ceasefire and presence of UN observers.
I call upon the Syrian regime to immediately cease all forms of violence and provide its full support to the UN observation mission. I call on the government to fully implement Special Envoy Kofi Annan's six point plan endorsed by UNSC resolution 2043. The EU fully supports Kofi Annan and his team's efforts paving the way for a political process.
I will talk to Kofi Annan tomorrow to affirm the EU's full support. I also urge the members of the UN Security Council to remain seized of the matter. The international community must continue to speak with one voice, demanding an end to the bloodshed and urging Assad to step aside and allow a democratic transition."