EU en Moldavië voeren een dialoog op het gebied van mensenrechten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 25 mei 2012.


Brussels, 25 May 2012


The European Union and Republic of Moldova held third round of human rights dialogue in Brussels on 23 May 2012. The dialogue was held in a frank and constructive atmosphere, confirming Moldova's commitment to tangible improvements in the protection of human rights. The exchange of views on the human rights situation in the Republic of Moldova focused on the fight against all forms of discrimination, the human rights situation in the Transnistrian region, the freedom of the media and the fight against impunity and ill-treatment

The Moldovan law on ensuring equality (adopted today by the Moldovan Parliament) was discussed in detail. The EU received reassurances that the law is intended to cover all grounds for discrimination in line with the international commitments of the Republic of Moldova, even though some are only implicitly mentioned. At the same time, the Moldovan side committed to issuing guidelines on the implementation of the law, which will be monitored by the EU within the existing dialogue frameworks. The EU reiterated its attachment to the general principles and values stated in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights

Several other areas requiring further discussion and cooperation were identified. A follow-up expert seminar on fighting impunity will be organised in the second half of the year. The EU took note of the Republic of Moldova's commitments to human rights under international law and the P Action Plan. The EU expressed its readiness to continue supporting the Republic of Moldova in deepening reforms

The EU and the Republic of Moldova also discussed their cooperation on human rights issues within international organisations, in particular at the forthcoming June 2012 session of the UN Human Rights Council. The delegation of the Republic of Moldova was led by Mr. Vladimir Grosu, Deputy Minister of Justice. The EU delegation was led by Ms. Riina Kionka, Head of Division for Human Rights Policy Guidelines at the European External Action Service

In keeping with the EU's practice of incorporating the voice of society into its meetings on human rights with third countries, the EU met with representatives of Moldovan and international NGOs prior to the consultations, and invited them to attend the latter as observers