EU feliciteert Hoge Vertegenwoordiger voor de Rechten van de Mens met haar herbenoeming (en)
Brussels, 25 May 2012
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the reappointment of Ms Navanethem Pillay as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
The European Union welcomes the appointment by the UN General Assembly of Ms Navanethem Pillay for a second term as High Commissioner for Human Rights following the proposal by the UN Secretary-General
Ms Pillay has made an invaluable contribution in continuing to establish the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights as an independent body defending and upholding Human Rights across the globe. The High Commissioner and her Office are providing highly appreciated input to the deliberations of the UN Human Rights Council. Her efforts in linking the work of the Human Rights Council to the work of other UN bodies have also furthered the cause of Human Rights. Ms Pillay's reappointment at the post of High Commissioner for Human Rights is a sign of strong support for her personally and for the work of her staff
The EU is a strong supporter of the Office of the High Commissioner, its independence and integrity, as well as of the Human Rights Council. The EU looks forward to continuing the cooperation with Ms Pillay and her Office
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