Dialoog over cultuurbeleid in tijd van crisis (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 22 mei 2012.

As part of the Danish Presidency, the Danish Minister for Culture Uffe Elbæk is in collaboration with the Commission hosting an Inspiration and Dialogue Meeting on the role of culture in a time of crisis. How do we release the full potential of culture in a time with tight public budgets and high unemployment figures?

The event takes place on 6 June 2012 in Brussels.

Prior to the meeting in Brussels the Danish Minister for Culture launched the project of Team Culture 2012 where he invited a group of European cultural figures to reflect on whether art and culture can play a role in turning the crisis upside down. The Team Members are invited to find concrete examples to illustrate their thoughts on how art and culture can make a positive impact on our European societies. The examples will be presented at the event in Brussels on 6 June and will serve as the outset for an open discussion on the role of culture in a time of crisis among the participants.

The event will be relevant for politicians, decision makers and representatives from the cultural and creative sectors.

Venue: The Egg, Rue Bara 175, Brussels.

Time: 9.30-17.00

Contact: Trine Stjernø, ph. +45 33 92 98 27

Registration can be made on this link until Wednesday 30 May.
