Rockband en seniorenkoor touren samen door Tjechië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 18 mei 2012.

© Jan Bartos

The Elpida Tour Against Age Discrimination started as a temporary “joint-venture” between the famous Czech indie-rock band Please the Trees and the Elpida Choir of Seniors at the end of 2011.

Originally planned for just a couple of shows in the Czech Republic, the great interest and success of this initiative among young people and the media has encouraged the band to continue its commitment and contribute with their music to spread the goals of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, which they also helped to promote participating in the official launch event which took place in Prague in March.

Hence, the cooperation of Please the Trees and the Elpida choir continues in 2012 with the recording of a single, video clips and several concerts throughout the summer.

During the concerts, the 20 elderly ladies who integrate the Elpida choir go on stage and perform along with the band some of their famous songs. For these senior singers, rock music with English lyrics and performing in front of a big audience is a big challenge.

“Standing on stage with the band is amazing, even though for our eardrums it’s quite a drag. But we see the musicians enjoy the concert, sweat it, and that makes us get into it”, says one of the chorus girls, 72 years old Emílie.

  • More information about the tour and dates, available here.
  • You may see pictures of the tour here.