Statement EU Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Catherine Ashton over Operation Atalanta (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 mei 2012.


Brussels, 15 May 2012 A

Statement by the spokesperson of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton i following the disruption of pirate logistical dumps in Somalia by EU Naval Force - Operation Atalanta

The spokesperson of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today:

"The High Representative welcomes the successful operation conducted by EUNAVFOR Operation Atalanta to disrupt pirates' logistical dumps in Somalia, which is in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1851 (2008), as updated with UNSCR 2020 (2011).

The EU is working with Somali, regional and international partners to combat the scourge of piracy in the oceans off the coast of East Africa. Piracy continues to adversely affect shipping in the region, threatening peaceful commerce, weakening and undermining the economy of neighbouring countries, and imposing additional costs on the world's shipping industry as well as personal costs on the 200 mariners still in captivity.

The EU's comprehensive approach to the problem includes action against pirates at sea, action to constrain the financial benefits of piracy, and support for the establishment of a lasting political solution on land which will enable accountable government and the rule of law to be re-established throughout Somalia.

Today's action is an integral part of that overall strategy, in line with the new mandate for EUNAVFOR agreed by EU Foreign Ministers on 23 March 2012. The EU will continue to remain active in this field."

Factsheet: EUNAVFOR Atalanta - Disruption of pirates' logistics in Somalia

Press release on the website of EUNAVFOR - Operation Atalanta

Factsheet: Operation EUNAVFOR Atalanta

Factsheet: The EU fight against piracy in the Horn of Africa

Council conclusions on Somalia, 14 May 2012