Eurocommissaris Füle moedigt hervormingen in Albanië aan ter voorbereiding op toekomstig EU-lidmaatschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Uitbreiding (ELARG) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 4 mei 2012.

Commissioner Füle i visited Albania on 3 May to encourage the country to continue implementing the reforms needed for progress towards the EU. He had meetings with President of the Republic Mr Bamir Topi, Prime Minister Mr Sali Berisha, opposition Socialist Party leader Mr Edi Rama, Parliament Speaker Ms. Jozefina Topalli, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Edmond Haxhinasto, Minister for European Integration Ms. Majlinda Bregu, Minister of Justice Mr. Eduard Halimi and Minister of Interior Mr. Bujar Nishani.

He also delivered a speech to the Albanian Parliament and met the Ombudsman Mr. Igli Totozani. Commissioner Füle said Albania's EU perspective was real provided the country delivers credible and sustainable results on EU-related reforms, particularly as regards the 12 key priorities of the Opinion.

He stressed the need for Albania's EU integration agenda to become the national agenda and an inclusive process, for the government, opposition and civil society. He also called for a smooth conduct of the upcoming presidential elections as an important factor for the stability of the political dialogue between government and opposition. Political leaders, notably Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Rama expressed their commitment to continue constructive engagement in the reform process.