ECDL Foundation kondigt nieuwe versie EqualSkills aan (en)
The European Computer Driving Licence Foundation (ECDL) and AGE Platform Europe, members of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations Coalition, have announced their collaboration to connect the capacity of both organisations’ extensive networks in support of the Year’s aims around ICT skills development.
In support of the objectives of the EY2012 and its collaboration with AGE Platform Europe, ECDL Foundation will launch a revised version of its accessible introductory ICT training programme, EqualSkills. This new version of the highly successful EqualSkills workbook seeks to meet the specific needs of older people.
EqualSkills is a tutor-led, introductory ICT skills development programme that helps to remove the fear of computers for complete novices by using a simple, non-threatening approach to providing basic skills for using a computer, email, and the Internet. These essential ICT skills are key to individuals’ full participation in technology-dependent societies, and are an important factor in promoting lifelong learning. So far, almost 100,000 Europeans have already participated in the EqualSkills programme.
The development of older Europeans’ ICT skills is considered crucial to their active ageing and continued participation in society, and to their ongoing contribution to the labour market. At any age, and particularly with an ageing population in Europe, European citizens need to be able to use the technology that can greatly improve their quality of life.