EU en ASEAN-landen komen met uitgebreid plan om relatie te intensiveren (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 27 april 2012.


This Plan of Action responds to the decision of Foreign Ministers at the 18 ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting in Madrid, on 26 May 2010. Building upon the achievements of thirty-five years of ASEAN-EU Dialogue Relations, it aims to bring cooperation to a higher level, through addressing regional and global challenges of shared concern over the coming five years (2013-2017). It covers a wide range of areas - political/security, economic/trade, sociocultural - reflecting the multifaceted character of ASEAN - EU relations

This Plan of Action will thus serve as a vehicle to strengthen the ASEAN-EU Partnership, while at the same time supporting ASEAN's goals of regional integration and community building, including enhanced ASEAN connectivity, to underpin an ASEAN Community by 2015 and beyond

ASEAN and the EU hereby renew their commitment to strengthen Dialogue Relations, as affirmed in the Nuremberg Declaration on ASEAN-EU Enhanced Partnership (2007) and its Plan of Action. They agree to pursue cooperation in conformity with their respective obligations under international law and in accordance with their respective domestic laws, regulations, measures and policies

  • 1. 
    Political and Security Cooperation

1.1 Enhancing political dialogue

1.1.1. Continue to hold biennial ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meetings (AEMM) and the annual ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with the EU (PMC)+1, supported by regular meetings of the ASEAN-EU Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) and the ASEAN-EU Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC);

1.2 Promoting regional cooperation to maintain peace, security, and stability

1.2.1. Continue to strengthen ASEAN's centrality in the evolving regional architecture;

1.2.2. Encourage substantial EU contribution in the areas of maritime security; humanitarian assistance and disaster relief; peacekeeping operations; military medicine; counter terrorism;

1.2.3. Enhance the role of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), with ASEAN as the primary driving force, in promoting peace and stability, as well as dialogue and cooperation, in the Asia-Pacific region;

1.2.4. Cooperate in the implementation of the Preventive Diplomacy Work Plan adopted at the 18thARF, while strengthening confidence building measures,


through participation in activities, programmes and projects under the Hanoi Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN Regional Forum Vision Statement;

1.2.5. Promote regular dialogues and exchange of best practices between the Track I and Track II and continue, within the ARF framework, exchanges of best practices between the ARF and other regional and international organisations;

1.2.6. Further support cooperation and enhancement of ASEAN capacity on mediation, reconciliation, conflict prevention, and peace building through workshops, seminars, exchanges of best practices and other capacity building initiatives as well as explore cooperation with the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR) in accordance with its TOR;

1.2.7. Explore the possibility of cooperating in the field of crisis response through the sharing of experiences and capacity building;

1.2.8. Promote the exchange of experience in maritime-related issues and sharing knowledge and expertise in the sustainable joint management of marine resources;

1.2.9 Strengthen cooperation on maritime security, such as in combating sea piracy, armed robbery against ships, hijacking and arms smuggling, in accordance with relevant universally agreed principles of international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982);

1.2.10. Strengthen cooperation in maritime safety and search and rescue (SAR), including the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on Cooperation in Search and Rescue of Persons and Vessels in Distress at Sea, through activities such as exchange of information, technological cooperation and exchange of visits of relevant ASEAN and EU officials;

1.2.11. Convene ASEAN Senior Officials' Meetings on Transnational Crime (SOMTC)-EU Consultations in the margins of ASEAN SOMTC to promote dialogue and cooperation on ways to tackle transnational crime in accordance with the respective domestic laws and policies on transnational crimes;

1.2.12. Support the implementation of the ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism (2007), and work together to implement the ASEAN-EU Joint Declaration on Cooperation to Combat Terrorism (2003), through exploring the establishment of a regular policy dialogue on counter-terrorism and undertaking with the aim of promoting exchange of experiences and information, capacity-building, and enhanced cooperation between relevant governmental agencies and academia by cooperating with institutions in ASEAN such as the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC), the Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter-Terrorism (SEARCCT) in Kuala Lumpur and the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in Bangkok, including to address the root causes of terrorism and conditions conducive to terrorism;

1.2.13. Promote cooperation to address unintended consequences of enhanced connectivity particularly in countering trafficking in persons, and people-


smuggling in ASEAN and the EU in accordance with the respective domestic laws and policies on trafficking in persons and people smuggling and support the implementation of the ASEAN Leaders' Joint Statement in Enhancing Cooperation against Trafficking in Persons in Southeast Asia through measures such as information sharing and the use of technologies relevant to border management and document security;

1.2.14. Recognising the importance of ASEAN Connectivity, implement the new ASEAN-EU Comprehensive Border Management Programme which aims to develop a more efficient border management system in ASEAN Member States;

1.2.15. Promote cooperation in accordance with the respective domestic laws and policies on combating corruption through, inter alia, encouraging the ratification and implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption. In this respect, also promote the sharing of best practices;

1.2.16. Cooperate in the areas of disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, through existing applicable disarmament and non-proliferation treaties, conventions and instruments such as the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in accordance with the respective domestic laws and policies on the matter;

1.2.17. Cooperate in combating illegal transfer and excessive accumulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in accordance with the UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in all Its Aspects and the respective domestic laws and policies on the matter;

1.2.18. Promote cooperation in mitigating risks associated with chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) materials, and facilitate transfer of technology, exchange of expertise and physical or legal requirements, best practices and capacity building through the CBRN Centre of Excellence in Southeast Asia in accordance with the respective domestic laws and policies on the matter; and

1.2.19. Intensify cooperation on interfaith and inter-civilisation dialogues

1.3. Cooperation on human rights

1.3.1. Support the work of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), as the overarching body for the promotion and protection of human rights in ASEAN through regional dialogues, seminars, awareness raising activities, exchange of best practices and other capacity building initiatives aimed at enhancing the promotion and protection of human rights through technical cooperation programmes as well as giving support to the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC)


1.4. Cooperation in Regional and International Fora

1.4.1. Develop ASEAN-EU cooperation in multilateral fora, including in the United Nations and other bodies within the UN system, as well as in Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), and the G20 in order to strengthen the multilateral system and, where appropriate to develop joint positions

  • 2. 
    Economic Cooperation

2.1. General

2.1.1. Continue to support the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Blueprint;

2.1.2. Continue to convene regular consultations between ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) and the EU Trade Commissioner, and regular meetings of the ASEAN-EU Senior Economic Officials (SEOM-EU);

2.1.3. Encourage public-private sector dialogue and business-to-business engagement, with the aim of effectively representing both ASEAN and EU business interests through high-level meetings between business representatives and senior officials in ASEAN and the EU. Encourage the implementation of the ASEAN-EU Business Summit recommendations including through supporting the ASEAN-EU Business Council;

2.1.4. Implement the ASEAN Regional Integration Support Programme by the EU (ARISE) as a key instrument for supporting ASEAN integration with its specific focus on strengthening the overall process of ASEAN economic integration and assisting progress towards achieving the free flow of goods within ASEAN through enhanced trade facilitation measures and progress towards removing non-trade barriers, as well as strengthening the capacity of the ASEAN Secretariat to support AEC implementation and integration;

2.1.5. Continue dialogue and cooperation in the agreed sectors under the Regional EC-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument (READI - disaster management, science and technology, information society and energy). Expand READI as a key instrument for reinvigorating ASEAN-EU Relations by focusing on a modern policy agenda on issues of mutual interest, such as climate change, employment and social affairs, civil aviation including support of ASEAN integration;

2.1.6. Support the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) including technical assistance on all aspects of connectivity, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, transport, customs and communication technology aspects of connectivity, and institutional connectivity;


2.1.7. Encourage dialogue and cooperation between ASEAN and EU through the ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee (ACCC) on issues relating to regional connectivity;

2.1.8 Encourage European Investment Bank (EIB) to invest in ASEAN Member States;

2.1.9. Promote participation of the EU's private sector in implementing the MPAC, including through Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mechanisms and encourage institutional linkages between the European PPP Expertise Centre and their counterparts in ASEAN;

2.1.10. Intensify interaction between ASEAN and EU on ICT, notably on the implementation of the priority projects of the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015 and supporting ASEAN in working towards the development of transparent, coherent and harmonized ICT regulatory frameworks, in particular on spectrum management and broadband development, as well as sharing information and expertise on efforts at reducing regional roaming charges;

2.1.11. Continue to contribute towards narrowing the development gap within and between ASEAN Member States through the implementation of IAI Work Plan II for Cambodia-Laos-Myanmar-Viet Nam (CLMV), as well as taking into account existing sub-regional cooperation frameworks;

2.1.12. Strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the field of economic and social policy, with a view to contributing to sustainable and inclusive growth, social cohesion and labour market stability;

2.1.13. Continue the support to the accession of the Lao PDR to the World Trade Organisation and after eventual accession, ensure continuity in technical assistance to help the Lao PDR duly implement its accession commitments; and

2.1.14. Continue to support, including through technical assistance, the gathering and availability of reliable statistical data at regional level, in order for ASEAN to be able to assess its current evolution as an integrated economic region and support further integration measures

2.2. Trade and Investment

2.2.1. Reaffirm the ultimate goal of a regional ASEAN-EU FTA. The ASEAN-EU FTA will build on the bilateral agreements with the individual ASEAN Member States and will take into account their different levels of development and capacity to carry out comprehensive trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation. Implement the EU programme on Enhancing ASEAN FTA Negotiating Capacity as a key initiative to pursue the above objective;


2.2.2. Implement the ASEAN-EU Trade and Investment Work Programme endorsed by Economic Ministers in May 2011. This includes: (1) high level policy dialogue both at Ministerial and Senior officials' level, (2) enhancing business dialogue, (3) ensuring sectoral dialogues on trade related issues between ASEAN-EU officials and (4) ensuring optimum benefits from EU-funded trade related projects for ASEAN countries;

2.2.3. Promote understanding of each other's legislation and regulations on trade and investment, including anti-dumping, subsidies, tariff and non-tariff measures, such as sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) and technical barriers to trade (TBT);

2.2.4. Maximise the positive role of ICT and the internet in promoting economic and social development;

2.2.5. Continue technical assistance to ASEAN in the area of intellectual property rights, as a means to contribute to enhancing the ASEAN intellectual property system;

2.2.6. Continue technical assistance to ASEAN in the areas of standards, quality and conformity assessment to reduce technical barriers to trade;

2.2.7. Continue cooperation in the development of an ASEAN Customs Transit System, which will improve customs clearance and transit in ASEAN, through technical assistance and by strengthening the capacity of the Customs Administrations and the ASEAN Secretariat; and

2.2.8. Enhance cooperation in the SPS field which would cover issues of mutual interests such as food safety, animal (including fishery) and plant health with the aim of enhancing the international competitiveness of the ASEAN Member States in these sectors, as well as strengthening the food safety, animal and plant health standards in the region and regional integration

2.3. Small and Medium Enterprises

2.3.1. Promote sharing of best practices and experience in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) development and financing

2.4. Transport

2.4.1. Strengthen ASEAN-EU cooperation on civil aviation with the aim of promoting air travel between the two regions and cooperation for safety, and security; and


2.4.2. Explore cooperation, inter alia human resources development and capacity building, in innovative applications in the use of satellite navigation systems and related applications (EU), including Galileo

2.5. Food, agriculture and forestry

2.5.1. Promote ASEAN-EU cooperation, joint approaches, capacity building and technology transfer in agriculture, food and forestry products

2.6. Energy security

2.6.1. Improve energy access, promote energy security and multilateral measures to ensure stable, effective, open and competitive global energy markets;

2.6.2. Cooperate closely in the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) measures and technologies; renewable energy and other clean energy programmes and technologies, through mobilisation of Europe's expertise, capacity and energy technology market with the view of developing a low emission pathway in ASEAN;

2.6.3. Build on the results of the EC-ASEAN Energy Facility Programme which serves to stimulate regional energy projects and initiatives proposed by the energy industry, either public or private, from the EU and ASEAN;

2.6.4. Promote the development of alternative energy, and also nuclear energy particularly nuclear energy safety;

2.6.5. Continue to implement the ASEAN-EC Energy Work Plan adopted in 2009 in Chiang Mai, Thailand by focusing, in particular, on Energy efficiency and conservation, Renewable Energy, and Regional Energy Policy and Planning as well as explore additional areas of cooperation in the field of energy security and poverty eradication

2.7. Tourism

2.7.1. Develop information exchange and cooperation in the area of tourism between ASEAN and EU, including undertaking joint promotion, marketing and holding conferences and workshops on tourism

  • 3. 
    Socio-Cultural Cooperation

3.1. Enhancing cooperation in education, health, and promoting people-to-people contacts

3.1.1. Continue to promote mobility of students and academics between ASEAN and EU higher education institutions;


3.1.2. Strengthen collaboration between international educational organisations in ASEAN Member States and the EU to enhance the quality of education in areas inter alia upgrading the standard of teaching, teaching and learning of languages and culture, and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education;

3.1.3. Explore the possibility for ASEAN-EU cooperation in achieving Education For All (EFA) movement in contributing to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs);

3.1.4. Continue to promote the exchange of cultural performers and scholars among ASEAN and the EU Member States which improves access to understanding of different cultures between both regions and enhance regional awareness;

3.1.5. Support the initiatives of the ASEAN University Network and promote mutual recognition and student mobility in ASEAN;

3.1.6. Explore new cooperation in promoting ASEAN awareness to its citizens;

3.1.7. Enhance cooperation on the Asia Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Diseases Programme (HPED) and reflect on future cooperation for preventing and mitigating risks at the interface between animals/humans and ecosystems;

3.1.8. Encourage collaboration to develop surveillance system for infectious diseases and other communicable diseases through exchange of information, with the view to provide early warning on possible outbreaks, in line with International Health Regulation 2005 and the Asia Pacific Strategy for Emerging Diseases (APSED);

3.1.9. Promote the exchange of experience among ASEAN Member States and the EU on public health policy formulation and management; and

3.1.10. Promote sharing of knowledge and experience by encouraging the exchange of experts in the field of public health, animal health, medicine, physical and health education

3.2. Promoting gender equality, well-being of women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities and migrant workers

3.2.1. Enhance cooperation on promoting gender equality and socio-economic women empowerment and to promote women's participation in all fields and at all levels; and

3.2.2. Promote the exchange of experience and best practices among ASEAN Member States and the EU on policies and programmes for the well-being of women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities and migrant workers


3.3. Building together disaster-resilient communities

3.3.1. Enhance cooperation on the implementation of the Work Programme for the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) and strengthening of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre), through activities such as development of a monitoring and evaluation system for AADMER and the Work Programme, comparative studies on ASEAN's and EU's disaster management set-up, knowledge sharing and institutional strengthening, joint exercises, and networking among the two regional disaster management mechanisms;

3.3.2. Continue to promote public awareness and education and sharing of best practices and lessons learnt among all relevant stakeholders to build a disaster-resilient society, using the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 and contribute to the effort on formulating post-Hyogo Framework of Actions;

3.3.3. Encourage cooperation between ASEAN and the EU, and with other dialogue partners in supporting ASEAN's efforts on disaster management, emergency response and post-disaster relief measures;

3.3.4. Enhance cooperation with the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) to support sharing of experiences and best practices in preventing, mitigating impacts, enhancing preparedness, alleviating and restoring the countries after massive disasters;

3.3.5. Promote exchanges of experience and knowledge on disaster risk reduction and emergency response, including civilian-military cooperation; and

3.3.6. Promote partnership in developing disaster-resilient ASEAN Member States with relevant stakeholders, including local communities, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and private enterprises

3.4. Promoting cooperation in Science and Technology (S&T)

3.4.1. Continue dialogue between Committee of Science and Technology (COST) and the EU to promote cooperation in research and technology and innovation under the Framework Programme 7 (FP7) and its successor programme "HORIZON 2020". Strengthen ASEAN-EU dialogue in the field of R&D including in applied S&T, as well as to reinforce the policy dialogue;

3.4.2. Support ASEAN to establish a network of S&T centres of excellence to promote closer cooperation, sharing of research facilities, technology transfer and commercialisation, and technology development, including joint programmes to promote science technology and innovation in vocational education through work-integrated learning;

3.4.3. Facilitate the exchange and mobility of scientists and researchers in accordance to the respective laws, rules, regulation, and national policies; and


3.4.4. Promote the implementation of the eight Thematic Tracks of the Krabi Initiative 2010 as a strategic platform for ASEAN-EU Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) cooperation

3.5. Enhancing food security and safety

3.5.1. Enhance cooperation in the field of food security to support the implementation of the ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework and the Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security (SPA-FS), and the Resolution and Plan of Action on Sustainable Fisheries for Food Security for the ASEAN Region Towards 2020

3.6. Working together to face regional and global environmental challenges

3.6.1. Promote public awareness and partnership to enhance integrated water resources management;

3.6.2. Support sub-regional cooperation to promote social-economic development and sustainable water management, including the Lower-Mekong region, drawing out experiences from the EU's Strategy for the Danube Region, and promote the sustainable use of inland waters, coastal and marine environment through public awareness campaign to highlight the global importance of inland waters, coastal and marine environment in addressing food security, maintaining ecosystem services, as well as protecting marine environment including coral reef preservation;

3.6.3. Continue to promote biodiversity conservation and management in the region, including through the work of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity;

3.6.4. Support biodiversity initiatives in the region, including the Heart of Borneo Initiative, Coral Triangle Initiative and Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion;

3.6.5. Support ASEAN in implementing the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAS) through technical assistance and capacity building; and

3.6.6. Strengthen cooperation to address challenges of climate change by reducing air pollution, adapting to and mitigating global warming and improving the global environment and support the ASEAN Climate Change Initiative (ACCI)

  • 4. 
    Institutional support to ASEAN

4.1. Implement measures aimed to build capacities in the ASEAN Secretariat as well as in other ASEAN institutions;

4.2. Promote exchange programmes between ASEAN and EU institutions, in particular between the ASEAN Secretariat and the European Commission; and


4.3. Explore the establishment of institutional linkages between Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) and Committee of Permanent Representatives in the European Union (COREPER), including through the exchange of officials, and the sharing of best practices and visits

Follow-up Mechanism

5.1. Review of this Plan of Action will be made through appropriate mechanisms comprising ASEAN and EU officials, including through the ASEAN-EU Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) and the ASEAN-EU Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), with the assistance of the ASEAN Secretariat, on the basis of mutual consent;

5.2. Submit progress report of the implementation of the Plan of Action to the annual Post Ministerial Conference (PMC) +1 session with the EU, and the biennial ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting; and

5.3. The ASEAN Committee of Permanent Representatives, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the EU are to explore how to ensure the necessary funding of activities