EP: basisrechten Oekraïense oppositieleidster worden geschonden (en)
The Ukrainian authorities must stop denying Yulia Tymoshenko her basic human right to medical care, said the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in an urgent resolution passed on Wednesday. The Assembly, which brings together Members of the European Parliament and MPs from the EU's eastern neighbour countries, is meeting in Baku (Azerbaijan).
This resolution highlights Ms Tymoshenko's fundamental right to health care, rather than political conceerns for her as Ukraine's former Prime Minister, Ukraine MP and Euronest Co-Chair Borys Tarasyuk explained before the vote. The motion for a resolution, tabled by Mr Tarasyuk, MEPs, and Moldavian and Ukrainian MPs, was approved with 40 votes in favour, 2 against and 17 abstentions.
The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly calls on the Ukrainian authorities to allow Ms Tymoshenko to undergo regular independent toxicology tests in the EU, medical treatment outside the prison system and regular health checks by international medical experts. It notes that these experts have encountered obstacles when trying to assess her condition.
Euronest members urge the Ukrainian authorities to guarantee the fundamental right to health and well-being of Ms Tymoshenko, and also of her fellow former ministers Yuriy Lutsenko and Valeriy Ivashchenko, and also to ensure that they get the medical care that they need, in line with international standards.
MEPs and their counterparts from the EU's eastern neighbour countries also deplore the sentence passed on Ms Tymoshenko and urge the Ukrainian authorities to ensure a fair, transparent and impartial appeal process for her and other former members of her government facing economic offence charges.
What is Euronest?
The EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly is - multilateral platform for cooperation between the European Parliament and parliaments in the EU's eastern neighbourhood. It consists of 60 MEPs and 10 MPs from each of the five eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine).