Verklaring Ashton over verkiezingswaarnemers buiten de EU (en)
Brussels, 3 April 2012 A
Statement by the EU High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on the UN-sponsored Declaration of global principles for domestic election observation
Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, issued the following statement today:
"Today, in the United Nations in New York, the Declaration of Global Principles for Nonpartisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations and its code of conduct will be launched.
I highly welcome and support this initiative.
The European Union is a strong supporter of credible domestic observation in many parts of the world. International observers, such as the EU, are only temporarily deployed in a country. They come and go. It is domestic organizations that are able to observe significant parts of the election cycle and to closely monitor post-election developments. We very often rely on their experience and knowledge of the political culture, language and territory of the country observed. The EU is also a key provider of capacity building and financial assistance to domestic observers through its relevant cooperation instruments.
Therefore, the Declaration launched today in the UN is an essential step to consolidate the effectiveness and credibility of domestic election observation, by extending to domestic observers many of the principles and standards also applied to international election observation.
I welcome that the European Parliament has also decided to become a supporter of this Declaration."