Voorzitter Europees Parlement Schulz bezorgd over positie journalisten in Turkije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 28 maart 2012.

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz i today met the Turkish journalist Ahmet Şik in Brussels. At the opening of the plenary session in Brussels, President Schulz referred to the case of Ahmet Şik and stated:

"Our Parliament has repeatedly expressed concern with regard to the issue of pre-trial detention, and specifically with regard to Mr Şik's case.

We will continue our ongoing observation."

In his bilateral meeting, President Schulz stated:

"I am deeply concerned about the regression in Turkey's democratisation process. I appreciated Ahmet Şik message that the European Parliament played an important role in his release. I also listened to Ahmet Şik who described the justice system Turkey as neither 'impartial nor independent'.

I promised to meet Ahmet Şik during my official visit to Turkey at the end of May. The European Parliament will follow closely the upcoming trials of Ahmet Şik and other people facing similar trials in Turkey."

Background on Ahmet Şik

Ahmet Şik is a Turkish journalist, who after more than one year in prison, detained under the country's anti-terror law, has just been released alongside his colleague Nedim Şener. However, the journalists are still facing trial. If convicted in June, they could face up to 15 years in prison.

Ahmet Şik who was in Brussels at the invitation of the ALDE group.

The European Parliament defends the fundamental value of freedom of expression and the independence of the media be it in the EU or in candidate countries for EU membership.

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  • Richard Freedman

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