Jeugd in actie: Jeugdpas en erkenning van niet-formele leervormen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 maart 2012.

Four inspiring essays about 'learning to learn', obstacles to recognition of non-formal learning, similarities between the Youthpass process and the Human Resource Development, addressed to youth workers and policy makers, have been published recently:

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    'Recognition of non-formal learning in Europe. Challenges and opportunities' by Florin Popa outlines the main obstacles to a wider recognition and social impact of non-formal learning.
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    'Youthpass and Human Resource Development. The missing link towards employability', an essay by Juan Ratto-Nielsen compares the Youthpass process and the Human Resource Development training and learning cycle, and explores their similarities.
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    'Recognition needs zero stage. Convincing ourselves' by Ajša Hadžibegovic discusses obstacles to a better recognition of youth work.
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    'The Youthpass process and learning to learn. Some ideas for practitioners.' An essay by Mark Taylor to spark further debates about the competence 'learning to learn' and its application in the Youthpass process.

Youthpass is a tool for participants of projects funded by the Youth in Action programme to describe their learning process. Youthpass certificates are available for European Voluntary Service, Youth Exchanges, Youth Initiatives and training courses.

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