Eurocommissaris Füle ontmoet Albanese minister van Europese integratie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 maart 2012.

The Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Mr Štefan Füle, met today with Minister of European Integration of Albania Ms Majlinda Bregu. They discussed the latest developments in the EU integration process of Albania.

Commissioner Füle welcomed the recent adoption by the Government of a revised Action Plan addressing the recommendations of the Commission Opinion for Albania. The Action Plan is a good basis for conducting key reforms addressing the priorities of the Commission Opinion. Albania must make full use of its capacities in order to move ahead with reforms as regards the political criteria, rule of law and human rights.

"I am reassured that Albania will not lose any time and move ahead with all necessary actions, so as to achieve a critical mass of deliverables in all areas. These achievements need to include also the swift conclusion of the electoral reforms and the revision of Parliament's rules of procedure, which would pave the way for progress in other areas as well. Let me underline in this regard the importance of ownership of the reforms by all stakeholders and of the continuation of an inclusive and constructive cooperation and dialogue between government and opposition. The Commission is ready to continue providing support and guidance for this important national effort, which is even more important at a time when the whole region is moving forward," Commissioner Füle emphasised during the meeting.