Europees jaar van de solidariteit tussen generaties gaat van start in Vilnius (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 21 maart 2012.

The official launch of the European Year for Active Aging and Solidarity between Generations in Lithuania took place on March 19th at the Vilnius Town Hall.

Chancellor Deividas Matulionis delivered the opening speech on behalf of the Prime Minister, Andrius Kubilius, and the Minister of Social Security and Labour, Donatas Jankauskas, introduced the goals of the EY 2012 and the plans of Lithuanian institutions and non-governmental organizations to contribute to its objectives.

The event was also an opportunity to honor respected personalities of the science, the sports and the culture scenes, who received from senior government officials the “Age is not a barrier” (Amžius ne kliutis) award.The rewarded Lithuanians were:

  • Antanas Tyla, historian.
  • Jurgis Kairys, aerobatic pilot and aeronautical engineer.
  • The Senjoru Teatras theatrical collective.
  • Jurate Daktaraite, basketball player

The Minister of Culture, Arunas Gelunas, who handed one of the awards, reminded the audience that many scientists, artists and intellectuals reach their highest achievements when old.

Several debates were held as well during the event, with the participation of representatives of social institutions, NGOs and academic communities, who discussed about the themes of the European Yearm, such as elderly people activities, volunteering and opportunities to learn, work and share experiences between generations.

The ceremony also included exhibitions, musical and theatrical performances.

Pictures of the event are available here.