Opening van de EU Jongerenconferentie in Sorø (en)
On Monday, 19 March from 16:00 - 17:30 you have the opportunity to follow LIVE the official opening of the EU i Youth Conference in Sorø, Denmark.
The conference addresses the value of creativity, innovative capacity and talent as sources for young people to develop their skills and enhance their opportunities in the labour market.
It brings together young people and youth policy-makers, who will engage in debates, as part of the Structured Dialogue.
To watch the web-streaming please go to the European Youth Portal:
Programme for the web-streamed session:
Monday, 19 March
Key note speakers:
Ms Christine Antorini, Danish Minister for Children and Education
Ms Androulla Vassiliou i, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
Mr Peter Matjasic, President, European Youth Forum
Music : The Fallgren Trio
Jacob Lund Nielsen, Founder of “cabinetDN”: “From voluntary work to business.”
Panel debate incl. Q/A-session with all speakers: “From Creativity and Participation to Education and Employment.”
Moderator : Mr Torben Kornbech Rasmussen, Director, MoCE