Finland geeft startschot Europees jaar van actief ouder worden (en)
The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012 in Finland was officially launched on March 6th during the Horisontti Seminar, in Helsinki.
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health organizes the Horisontti Seminar every second year, and this year the event was closely linked to the goals and objectives of the EY 2012.
The seminar, held at the Music Centre in Helsinki, started with a press conference, where two high-profile National Ambassador of the year, Professor Risto Pelkonen and Jaana Laitinen-Pesola, Chairman of the Union of Health and Social Care Professionals, presented the EY. Two participants of the School Grandfathers explained their project and its goals and activities.
The Horisontti Seminar, with more than 200 participants, was opened by Harri Vainio, head of the Finnish Institute for Occupational Health, and Maria Guzenina-Richardson, the Minister of Health and Social Services.
The event continued with a concert by musician Pentti Lasanen on the saxophone and Claes Andersson (psychiatrist, author, musician and former member of the Finnish Parliament) on the piano accompanied by three young musicians.
The concert was presented as a perfect example of how age is not a limit to do what you like and apply your skills. “In an orchestra your name or age doesn’t matter. What matters is what you can do!”, said Pentti Lasanen
The programme continued with panel discussions about what inspires people at work and life, and what keeps us going. How to make sure that the information needed at work places passes from one generation to another was also analysed during the seminar.
Pictures of the event are available here.