Schulz feliciteert Fico met verkiezingswinst (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 11 maart 2012.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz i made the following statement on the parliamentary elections in Slovakia:

"I congratulate Robert Fico i and his Smer party for a clear and convincing victory in the parliamentary elections in Slovakia.

Robert Fico is a committed European and I particularly welcome his determination and solidarity in contributing to the stabilisation of the Eurozone.

I am confident Slovakia's new government will spare no effort to reinforce economic growth and create jobs while ensuring the health of public finances.

I am convinced the new government will be a constructive partner at a time when the EU needs unity and determination more than ever."


For further information:

Armin Machmer


Mobile: +32 479 97 11 98

Marcin Grajewski

Press Officer

Mobile: +32 498 98 15 50