Europese Commissie op zoek naar nominaties voor E-inclusion awards (en)
The European Commission has established the eInclusion awards to raise awareness, encourage participation and recognise excellence and good practice in using ICT and digital technology to tackle social and digital exclusion across Europe. The scheme ran for the first time in 2008 (view the winners).
The Commission recognises the power of ICTs to support older people and the community around them. At work, new digital technologies can help people to remain active and productive as they age while improving work-life balance. This will become even more important in the future as Europeans retire later and the population ages.
In 2012 the eInclusion awards are addressed to individuals as well as organisations from the public, business and civil society sectors. There are two categories in the competition, both of which will require entrants to submit written and audiovisual material as part of their entry:
-“I am Part of IT” award - For individuals who have felt significant benefit and empowerment by becoming e-included. Of particular (although not exclusive) interest are stories around employability, re-skilling, and improvement in life situations.
-“Be Part of IT - Digital Inclusion Champions” award - For organisations (or individuals outside of organisations) who champion eInclusion by undertaking and supporting relevant projects.
The deadline for submissions is 4th May 2012
Twelve finalists in each category will be invited to present their project at the Digital Agenda Assembly Conference in Brussels, to take place on 21st and 22nd June 2012. The overall winners will be announced at the conference.
For further information, visit