Eurocommissaris Füle (uitbreiding) bespreekt mogelijke toetreding met Albanese vicepremier (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 1 maart 2012.

The Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Mr Štefan Füle, met today with Mr Edmond Haxhinasto, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania. Commissioner Füle and Minister Haxhinasto discussed the latest developments as regards the EU integration process of Albania.

Commissioner Füle commended the positive steps of the last months, strengthening the cooperation of government and opposition in the context of institutional reforms. He underlined during the meeting: "A constructive political dialogue will ensure that Albania delivers concrete results on the implementation of the political agreement of last November, notably on electoral reform and on the reform of the parliamentary rules of procedure. Albania needs to continue progress in the fulfilment of the 12 key priorities of the Commission's Opinion, with particular emphasis in the creation of a credible track record in the areas of rule of law and fight against corruption."

Reiterating the Commission's engagement and full support of these efforts, Commissioner Füle invited Albania to focus on comprehensive reforms which are necessary for the achievement of the national objective of European integration. He concluded: "I would like to stress once more that for a country to succeed on its EU agenda it is important that this becomes its national agenda, for the government, for the opposition and for civil society. A truly inclusive process is key for Albania's success in its reform efforts."