Website generation@school gelanceerd (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 februari 2012.

The generation@school website is now online.

This year, dialogue between the generations into schools all over Europe will be brought together. Schools are invited to organise a generations@school day sometime around April 29th, the European Day of Solidarity between Generations, to bring older people into the classrooms, to explore with the pupils how a better society for old and young can be built. It lets the pupils listen to the stories of the older people and the older people to the dreams and fears of the younger and let them reflect on what they could learn from each other and on what they could do together for a better future. Barriers between the generations need to be broken.

On the website there are some ideas on how to organise the generations@school day, but it doesn't limit the imagination! Ideas that add intergenerational elements to projects and giving pupils an opportunity to discover how generations relate to each other elsewhere in Europe.

The website allows the sharing of experiences and images (photos, drawings) on a map of Europe. By doing so, project(s) will participate in a European competition. In each country, one outstanding generations@school project will be awarded a prize. And every participating school or class will receive a participation diploma to thank all teachers and students for their engagement and their solidarity!

The project starts on the 1st March 2012. So do visit soon the generations@school website for more information and to download a resource kit to help you in your preparations.

Get involved and share experiences!

Questions on the generations@school project can be addressed to: