Regels vrij verkeer van goederen tussen EU en Europese handelsruimte gaan ook gelden voor Kroatië en Turkije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Belastingen en douane-unie (TAXUD) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 februari 2012.

Common transit

This procedure is used for the movement of goods between the 27 EU Member States and the EFTA i countries (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland). It is based on the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure. The rules are effectively identical to those of Community transit.

It is planned that the convention (as well as the Convention of 20 May 1987 on the simplification of formalities in trade of goods) will be extended on 1 July 2012 to Croatia and Turkey. The Joint Committees of the two conventions have decided that invitations can be issued to these two countries.

Community transit

This procedure is used for customs transit operations between the EU Member States (and Andorra and San Marino) and is in general applicable to the movement of non-Community goods for which customs duties and other charges at import are at stake, and of Community goods, which, between their point of departure and point of destination in the EU, have to pass through the territory of a third country.

The rules are set out in the Community Customs Code.

Transit brochure 'New customs transit systems for Europe'

This brochure (2001) offers you an overall picture of the reforms undertaken in common/Community transit and the TIR Convention.

The introductory chapter gives a short description of these three transit systems and an explanation of why a reform was necessary.

The second chapter gives an extensive explanation of the changes that have been introduced in the common and Community transit system.

The third chapter is dedicated to the introduction of the NCTS, the new European computerised transit system, while the fourth chapter concentrates on the TIR system.

Transit brochure is available here(600 Kb) .

The Commission does not have a stock of this publication.

Transit Manual

The Transit Manual is the most comprehensive source of information on the common and the Community transit procedure. As such, the manual is a tool to promote a better understanding of how the transit procedure works and the roles of the various participants. It is also a tool to better ensure a harmonised application of the transit regulations and an equal treatment of all operators.

The manual is presented in six main parts as follows:

I. General Introduction

II. Status of Goods

III. Guarantees

IV. Standard Transit Procedure

V. Simplifications, and

VI. Debt and recovery.

Transit Manual available here(1.17 Mb) .

Transit Manual updates

Transit Manual Supplement n° 1(95 Kb)

Transit Manual Supplement n° 2(14 Kb)

Transit Manual Supplement n° 3(153 Kb)

Transit Manual Supplement n° 4(145 Kb)

Transit Manual Supplement n° 5(284 Kb)

NCTS final(1.23 Mb)

NCTS-fallback procedure(17 Kb)

NCTS-fallback procedure for traders(24 Kb)

NCTS-paper loading list(17 Kb)

Enquiry procedure(285 Kb)

Debt and Recovery(223 Kb)

Transit Manual Consolidated Version

The consolidated version of the manual is presented in nine main parts as follows:

I. General Introduction

II. Status of Goods

III. Guarantees

IV. Standard Transit Procedure NCTS (new computerised transit system)

V. Fallback procedure

VI. Simplifications

VII. Discharge of the transit operation, the enquiry procedure

VIII. Debt and recovery, and

IX. TheTIR Procedure.

The consolidated version(2.23 Mb) is available in English and French. It will soon be published in all EU official languages.

Practical information

Transit Network Address Book(543 Kb)

The book contains the addresses of 27 national co-ordinators and approximately 400 regional and local transit liaison officers. Part of its role is to allow regular dialogue with the operators at the national and local levels, and to facilitate their contacts with the Customs services over all aspects of the operation of the transit regimes.

Transit Customs Offices Database

NCTS MRN Follow-up information

Guide Authorised Regular Shipping Service

Guide to Customs Procedures in Short Sea Shipping


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