EP-voorzitter Martin Schulz: Griekenland moet kans krijgen om te herstellen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 februari 2012.

Following his meetings with the President of the Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias and the Prime Minster Lucas Papademos i, the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz i made the following statement:

"The latest reform programme for Greece must be fully implemented so that Greece has the opportunity to return to growth and restore its public finances to health. All means necessary have to be used to get Greece back on the right track including the use of so far unspent structural funds, funds that are directed particularly at SMEs and start-ups, as well as using funding from the European Investment Bank. All of these combined could give a chance to re-launch the Greek economy.

What is absolutely required in Greece are confidence-building measures. Greece has been able to preserve its social cohesion, yet there is a severe risk that the downturn could damage the very social framework of the country. The 45% youth unemployment rate is unacceptable and we risk losing a generation if we do not act. Greece's plight is Europe's plight; we in Europe are all in the same boat."

Note to editors:

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz will address the Hellenic Parliament today on Tuesday 28 February at 19.00 (Greek time (CET +1). Video coverage of the speech will be available for download in web and broadcast quality via Europe by Satellite (EbS):


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