Tweede bijeenkomst Samenwerkingsraad EU en Tadzjikistan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 februari 2012.

Second meeting of the Cooperation Council between the European Union and the Republic of Tajikistan Brussels, 27 February 2012

The Cooperation Council between the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Uzbekistan held its second meeting on Monday, 27 February 2012. The meeting was chaired by the Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Hamrokhon Zarifi. The EU delegation was led by Mr Villy S0vndal, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark. Also present were Mr Pierre Vimont, Executive Secretary General of the European External Action Service, and Mr Pierre Morel, EU Special Representative for Central Asia

The Cooperation Council reaffirmed the commitment of both parties to see relations strengthen across a number of areas and took stock of the progress made since the first Cooperation Council between the EU and the Republic of Tajikistan in December 2010, including implementation of the EU Strategy for Central Asia

The Cooperation Council reiterated the importance of a comprehensive implementation of the EU Strategy for Central Asia both on a regional and national basis and welcomed Tajikistan's involvement in the EU regional initiatives for Central Asia. Developments were discussed as regards concrete flagship initiatives, such as on the rule of law, education and environment

The Cooperation Council also discussed a number of issues of importance to both parties, notably political reforms, rule of law and human rights, trade and economic relations, regional cooperation in Central Asia (including water, energy and environment) and international issues

The Cooperation Council emphasised the importance for Tajikistan to further integrate into the world economy. The EU supports Tajikistan's aspirations to join the WTO and commended the progress it has made in this respect. Also prospects for improving EU-Tajikistan trade were discussed, including the need to improve the business and investment climate

The Cooperation Council discussed regional cooperation in Central Asia and international issues, including Afghanistan. The Cooperation Council underlined the importance of regional cooperation in Central Asia as an effective means of conflict prevention and socio-economic development in the region. In this context, the Cooperation Council called on the Central Asian partners to search for a sustainable settlement regarding water management, security and energy issues in the region, which would take into account all interests and preserve unity in the region