Parlement bespreekt mensenrechten situatie Rusland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 februari 2012, 14:43.

The hearing will address prominent human rights issues in Russia today, just before the 4 March presidential elections. The harassment of civil society, freedom of association, discrimination against minorities and the case of lawyer Sergey Magnitsky will be on the agenda during the debate with MEPs, Russian civil society and the European External Action Service (EEAS).

The hearing will take place in the Human rights subcommittee PHS 5B1 on 28 February from 09.15h to 10.30h.

Speakers include Mr Alexander Cherkasov, Memorial's Council Member, Mr Vadim Kleiner, Partner, Hermitage Capital Management (employers of Sergey Magnitsky) and Michael Pulch, Head of Unit for Russia, EEAS. There will also be a video message by Ella Kesaeva, co-Chair of Voice of Beslan.

REF. : 20120227IPR39348