Bulgarije, Litouwen en Slowakije krijgen financiële hulp voor sluiten kerncentrales (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Rekenkamer i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 2 februari 2012.

In order to increase nuclear safety, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia committed themselves within their EU accession negotiations to the early closure and subsequent decommissioning of eight non-upgradeable nuclear reactors. Recognizing the exceptional social, economic and financial burden of their commitments, the EU provided financial assistance to the three country-programmes (2 850 million euro overall for the 1999-2013 period).

This special report deals with the implementation of the decommissioning programmes from 1999 up to the end of 2010. The audit examined whether EU funded actions have been designed in accord with identified needs and carried out as planned, and whether the governance arrangements have been adequate.

The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be presented to the press by Mr Szabolcs Fazakas Member of the Court.

DATE AND TIME Wednesday, 08 February 2012 at 10:30

VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre


155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels - Belgium

A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press release, will be made available for the press briefing. The Special Report will be published on the Court's website, www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 official languages.

INTERPRETATION will be available in English and French.