Deens voorzitterschap EU over voorstellen Commissie voor nieuwe regels gegevens bescherming EU (en)
Today the European Commission tabled proposals for new EU Data Protection rules. The Member States, the European Parliament and several other stakeholders will now discuss the proposals thoroughly in order to ensure the correct balance is struck between the protection of the personal data of EU-citizens and the leveraging of new digital opportunities.
On 25 January 2012 the European Commission tabled two proposals for new EU Data Protection rules. One proposal is for a new regulation aimed at regulating the processing of personal data in general in the public and private sectors. The proposal aims at regulating the processing of internet user’s personal data e.g. in relation to new digital and social media.
The other proposal regulates the processing of personal data (data on witnesses, accused persons etc.) which takes place in relation to the investigation of criminal acts and international police cooperation.
Danish Minister of Justice and President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, Mr. Morten Bødskov, states:
”I welcome the Commission’s proposals for new EU Data Protection rules. It is now time for the Member States to discuss the many important questions which the Commission’s proposals give rise to.
Going forward the Presidency will place great emphasis on ensuring that all views are heard. This is the precondition to ensuring that the new rules enables economic growth while at the same time ensuring a good and effective protection of the rights of our citizens.
We look forward to a constructive exchange of views regarding the proposals not just between the Member States, but also with the Commission, the European Parliament and other public and private sector stakeholders.”
The Commission’s proposals will be negotiated in the Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA). The negotiations are not expected to be finalized under the Danish Presidency.
On 25 January 2012 the European Commission presented two legislative proposals concerning the processing of personal data in the EU. One proposal is for a new regulation aimed at regulating the processing of personal data in general in the public and private sectors. This proposal aims at replacing the existing Data Protection Directive from 1995.
The second proposal is a proposal for a directive regulating the processing of personal data carried out by law enforcement and prosecutorial authorities. This proposal intends to replace the current Framework Decision from 2008 on the protection of personal data processed in the framework of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
The Commission’s proposals are available here .
Questions from the press should be directed to Communications Advisor Mr. Emil Melchior at +45 40 37 67 37, while others are requested to contact Head of Section Mr. Christian Wiese Svanberg at +45 50 76 11 17.