Commissie lanceert debat over lessen uit de crisis (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 januari 2012.

The European Commission has launched a Europe-wide public debate on corporate restructuring and anticipating change. The consultation will run until 30 March 2012. The aim is to identify successful practices and policies in the field of restructuring and adapting to change.

The results will feed into the upcoming employment package and should help to improve further cooperation between workers and employers' representatives, government, local and regional authorities and the EU institutions.

The consultation will also help identify specific restructuring measures that could help deal with employment and social challenges, as well as helping European companies improve competitiveness through innovation and a fast, but smooth adaptation to change.

Content of the Green Paper

The Green Paper includes several questions. In particular, it addresses the following issues:

  • Lessons from the crisis
  • Economic and industrial adjustment
  • Adaptability of business and employability of workers
  • Creating synergies in the process of industrial change
  • Role of regional and local authorities
  • Impact of restructuring operations