Betere kansen midden- en kleinbedrijf bij buitenlandse aanbestedingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Ondernemingen en industrie (ENTR) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 6 januari 2012.

The World Trade Organisation's negotiations reached an agreement on an updated set of tender rules and additional market access commitments. According to WTO estimates, the revision will bring extra procurement opportunities worth around 100 billion Euro.

The Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) covers trade in the domain of public procurement, globally worth 500 billion Euro annually. In total, 15 "Parties", with the European Union counting as one Party, made commitments to expand market access that they offer to foreign companies. This means the Parties open up their domestic public procurement markets to foreign bidders. With the world currently facing economic turbulence and temptations to increase barriers rather than reduce them, the GPA Parties showed their commitment to international trade. Having open and transparent rules on procurement is the best way to achieve value for money for government expenditure as it optimises competition. Commissioner Michel Barnier i, who was conducting these negotiations, declared: "Today, we have agreed on a significant opening of public procurement markets. Despite the temptations of protectionism during these times of global crisis, we have broken down barriers, not increased them. This will lead to more trade and benefit all economies, including Europe's."

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