EU spreekt met Albanië over integratie van Roma en Egyptische gemeenschappen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Uitbreiding (ELARG) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 22 december 2011.

On 15 December, the European Commission, the EU Delegation to Albania and Albania's Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, with the support of the Ministry of European Integration, held a seminar in Tirana on the inclusion of Roma and Egyptian communities, in the context of Albania’s integration with the EU.This seminar was the last one in a series of similar events organised in the Western Balkans region. The main objective was to bring together representatives of the Albanian national and local governments, non-governmental organisations and international actors to discuss challenges to the effective inclusion of Roma and Egyptian persons in Albania and to identify potential solutions. The themes covered were: civil registration, education, social and health care, vocational training, employment, housing and infrastructure.The seminar will lead to the drafting of operational conclusions to be implemented by the Albanian authorities and will be followed by a project to support the social inclusion of Roma and Egyptian communities financed under the EU pre-accession assistance (IPA).