Commissie benoemt nieuw hoofd van vertegenwoordiging in Slowakije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 21 december 2011.

Brussels, 21 December 2011 - Mr Dušan Chrenek will take office as head of representation in Slovakia on 1 January 2012.

"I welcome the appointment of Mr Chrenek as Head of Representation in Bratislava. He is going to represent the European Commission in Slovakia in challenging times. I am sure that he will contribute significantly to our efforts to provide high quality service and information to all EU i citizens," said EU Vice-President Viviane Reding i.

Mr Chrenek, currently Head of Unit for enlargement in the European Commission's Directorate General for agriculture and rural development, has broad experience within the European institutions.

Before joining the European Commission in 2007, Mr Chrenek worked in the policy unit of the High Representative/Secretary General of the Council of the EU. He also held several senior posts in the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as Head of Cabinet of the Chief Negotiator for Slovak accession to the EU; Deputy Director of the Policy Planning Department and Deputy Head of the Slovak Embassy in Madrid.

Mr Chrenek studied diplomacy at Oxford University and at the Diplomatic School in Madrid. He also holds a degree in international relations from the Comenius University in Bratislava and a diploma in computer science from the Slovak Technical University.

Mr Chrenek's broad experience will help the Commission representation in Slovakia to play a key role in communicating with local citizens and the media, as well as boost relations between the European Commission and national and local authorities as well as other stakeholders.


The Commission has representations in all 27 EU Member States. They inform the media and public about EU policies and report to the Commission on significant developments in the country. Mr Chrenek will build upon the successful work of Ms Andrea Elscheková-Matisová, who has held the position of head of representation in Slovakia since 2005.

For more information

Homepage of Vice-President Viviane Reding, EU Justice Commissioner:

Representations of the European Commission

European Commission Representation in Slovakia



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