Voorzitter EU-Raad Buzek over Vaclav Havel (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op zondag 18 december 2011.

The President of the European Parliament has paid tribute to the statesman, write and former Czech and Czechoslovak President Vaclav Havel who died today. EP President Jerzy Buzek i said:

"Vaclav Havel is the figure that represents the Velvet Revolution and the reunification of Europe. Vaclav Havel was a great writer and intellectual that touched millions of people; Havel will be sorely missed not only in the Czech Republic and Slovakia but by the whole European continent which he did so much to reunite. He was a personal friend and a hero of our times. In particular, my thoughts are with his family and friends. Vaclav Havel was a truly courageous man. I pay homage to Vaclav Havel's bravery, leadership and the role he played in the democratic changes in Central and Eastern Europe. Vaclav Havel was a true statesman. I recall his visit to the European Parliament in November 2009 to mark the 20th anniversary of democratic change in Central and Eastern Europe. The whole Parliament rightly stood and applauded a statesman that worked so hard to reunite our continent.

Vaclav Havel was, and remains, a hero. In 1989, students in my country came out into the streets to call for Vaclav Havel's release. Václav Havel became soon after the President of a free Czechoslovakia; President of both Czechs and Slovaks and a hero to both.

I also honour Vaclav Havel as a playwright. Vaclav Havel started writing at a very early age, and never stopped, not even during his four terms of imprisonment covering a total of five years. His writing has always been straightforward and honest; sensitive and beautiful and touched millions of people around the world."


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