Kroatië sluit zich aan bij Europass (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 december 2011.

On 2 December 2011, Croatia became the 31st European country to open a National Europass Centre. These centres already exist in the 27 EU member states plus Turkey, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

They coordinate all national activities related to Europass documents and are the first point of contact for people or organisations interested in using or learning more about Europass.

The Europass online portal allows European citizens to access five types of documents which can help them present their professional and academic skills in a clear and structured way. Europass was created in 2004 to help citizens promote their skills and qualifications across Europe and it facilitates communication between jobseekers and employers, and can also be a useful tool for students. The Europass CV template is now used by 15 million Europeans. These benefits are now also available to Croatian citizens.

A conference was held in Zagreb to mark the launch of the new Centre. It was attended by officials from the European Commission, Croatian educational authorities, representatives from the education and training community and Croatian media. Presentations at the conference highlighted the importance of Europass to the "EUROPE 2020 i" strategy, and the contribution of Europass to lifelong learning and mobility in Europe.

Croatia is expected to join the European Union in July 2013. However, it has participated in EU programmes for culture since 2007 and for education, training, and youth since 2011.