EU faciliteert dialoog tussen Kosovo en Servië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 2 december 2011.


Brussels, 2 December 2011


EU facilitated dialogue: Agreement on IBM Brussels, 2 December 2011

The eighth meeting of the dialogue foreseen in UN General Assembly Resolution 64/298 was held with the facilitation of the EU on 30 November and 1-2 December, in Brussels. The meeting was chaired by the EU facilitator, Mr. Robert Cooper. Dr. Tahiri led the Kosovo delegation and Mr. Stefanovic led the Serbian delegation

The meeting built on the discussions from the previous meetings, held on 8-9 March, 28 March, 15 April, 17-18 May, 2 July, 2 September and 21-22 November, as well as on work conducted by technical working groups

Having in mind that the parties will be required to gradually harmonise their legislation with the EU acquis, the parties reached an agreement on the EU developed concept of integrated management for crossing points (IBM). This means that the parties will gradually set up the joint, integrated, single and secure posts at all their common crossing points. EULEX will be present in line with its mandate. The IBM concept will be gradually implemented as soon as practically possible

The parties had a substantive discussion on the issue of effective and inclusive regional cooperation on which some good progress was achieved. They will revert to this at their next meeting

The parties also followed-up on discussions held in previous meetings, including on telecommunications and energy

Considering the importance of implementation the parties reviewed the implementation process of previously reached agreements. The expectation is that there will be full implementation of the freedom of movement agreement as of 26 December 2011, resulting in free travel for everyone. Furthermore, and in line with the agreement on civil registry, the parties will start copying documents on 5 December 2011

Contacts will continue over the next days on the issues under discussion