Eurocommissaris Füle over ontmoeting met de minister voor Europese Integratie van Kosovo (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 29 november 2011.

Today, I met Kosovo's Minister for EU Integration Ms Vlora Citaku. We had a fruitful exchange on the findings of the Commission's recent Progress Report on Kosovo and on ways to help advance Kosovo's progress towards Europe.

I emphasised the Commission's continued strong support for Kosovo's EU perspective and underlined the Commission's proposals made in its recent 2011 Enlargement Strategy. We proposed launching a structured dialogue with Kosovo on the rule of law. The Commission will continue to support Kosovo's efforts to further fulfil its European perspective, notably as regards visas, a trade agreement, and Kosovo's participation in EU programmes, in line with its 2009 Communication. I also underlined the importance of Kosovo launching a comprehensive agenda for the north. In addition, I appreciated the constructive role the opposition is playing on many issues of the European Agenda.

Ahead of the General Affairs Council of 5 December, I encouraged Pristina to continue its positive engagement in the dialogue with Belgrade, which is scheduled to meet again this Wednesday. Progress in the dialogue will help to bring both Pristina and Belgrade closer to the European Union and help them fulfil their European perspective. Both sides should be pragmatic, creative and flexible during the discussions, in the interest of the citizens of both Kosovo and Serbia and the region at large.