Eurocommissaris Füle vergadert met leider Socialistische Partij Albanië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 24 november 2011.

Today's meeting between Commissioner Füle and Mr. Rama was part of our regular contacts with the Albanian political forces. The meeting took place in the context of recent agreements between the ruling majority and the opposition to start joint work on electoral reform and the revision of the rules of procedures of the parliament, and to vote on laws requiring qualified majority.

"To advance in the EU integration process, it is essential that all political forces - majority and opposition - as well as the whole society embrace the European agenda and turn it into a national agenda", said Commissioner Füle. In this context, Commissioner Füle expressed his appreciation for the role that the Socialist Party is ready to play to support the European perspective for Albania.

Commissioner Füle expressed hope that the Ministry for EU Integration together with the EU Parliamentary Committee could rapidly reach an agreement on a roadmap for the implementation of the 12 key priorities, whose fulfilment represents the basis for Albania moving forward towards the EU.

Commissioner Füle and Mr Rama also exchanged views on the current political situation in Albania. Commissioner Füle expressed his expectation that the relations between political forces should be based on the respect of reciprocal roles and dialogue, ensuring a constructive development of the political life in Albania.